Our Chapter's Story
54 Years of Impactful Service.
The Montgomery County (MD) Alumnae Chapter (MCAC) was chartered on March 7, 1970 by twenty-eight women under Past National President, Frankie Muse Freeman, and Past Eastern Regional Director, Soror Marva Scott-Starks. These twenty-eight sorors sought to perpetuate the heritage and ideals of the Founders in Montgomery County. Soror Doris P. Poole served as the first president. The charter members were concerned about the quality of life for African Americans in the county and for the community-at-large. They had the vision that Montgomery County could be a better place for all its citizens to live, work, and enjoy their leisure time.
Our Charter Members
Lois J. Ballard
Nettie Nash Banks*
Queenie E. Boyd*
Ozie Foster Brown
Ann Wilson Burke
Irene Snowden Curry*
Guytanna H. DeGraffenreidt*
Wilma King Fairley
Doris Watkins Fleming
Adranna R. Grant
Florence L. Henderson*
Emma E. Isler*
Gladys Chavis Jones*
Celissi Ann DuRant Klugh*
Gladys McGill Magwood*
Ruth Carey McArtis*
Patricia A. Winston Middleton
Jeanette Stephens Moye
Ruth H.J. Okurume
Mary Blount Overton
Doris Perry Poole*
Helen Burse Snowden*
Dorothy Lorraine Watson
Myra Coater Wesley
Dorothy Thompson Wilson
Jacqueline Shepard Williams
Amanda P. Winters*
Charleise Toland Young
*Omega Omega